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简介:国药励展展览有限责任公司(Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co. Ltd.) 是国内最大最专业的医药展览公司,是由中央管理的我国最大的医药集团--中国医药集团总公司和全球最具规模的展览会主办机构--励展博览集团共同出资组建的。国药励展的业务范围涉及:主办、承办全国药品、原料药、医疗器械、化学试剂、分析仪器、玻璃仪器、实验室装备、制药设备、包装材料、中药材、保健品及医药行业相关技术和服务的各种博览会、交流会、交易会、国内外学术研讨会及相关的会议服务;出国(境)举办经济贸易展览及境内举办对外经济技术展览会。 作为国内医药行业展览会、交易会的主导组织者,国药励展秉承"服务全行业,共同谋发展"的办会理念,以其专业的展览队伍、翔实庞大的信息资源和完善的服务体系吸引了业内几乎所有的龙头企业、商家、科研单位和专业人士来参加我们每年举办的十几个专业性展览会。 我们的每个品牌展会已经成为中国医药、医疗器械工商企业和科研单位、医药服务领域展示企业形象、交流信息和开拓国内外市场、促进贸易和产业进步的最有效的渠道和媒介之一,促进与海外医药界的交流,从而有力地推动了中国医药行业的繁荣。 Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co. Ltd. (Reed Sinopharm) is a joint venture between Sinopharm, which is the largest state owned pharmaceutical group in China, and Reed Exhibitions, which is the world's leading organizer of trade and consumer exhibitions with a portfolio of over 430 events in 32 countries. As a leading professional organizer of exhibitions, Reed Sinopharm commits itself to the health care industry for mutual development.It holds exhibitions and fairs which rank among the largest in the health care sector worldwide. Well known shows we organize: CMEF China International Medical Equipment Fair ICMD at CMEF International Component Manufacturing & Design Show CMEF West WestChina National Medical Equipment Western Fair API China International Pharmaceutical Ingredients Fair PharmChina China National Pharmaceuticals Fair New Drugs China China National New & Special Drugs Fair Expolab China Laboratory Technology and Equipment Exhibition Interherb China International Natural Medicine, TCM Material, TCM Decoction Piece Exhibition We also organize exhibitor and visitor groups to trade exhibitions around the world. With more market leading exhibitions than any other organizer, we attract most leading health care companies, distributors, R & D institutes and experts to our shows. Our shows have become one of the most effective communication channels for China pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies and R & D institutes to promote their brands and to expand their domestic and overseas markets.
公司名称: 国药励展展览有限责任公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (服务商)
所 在 地: 北京 公司规模: 50-99人
注册资本: 36万美元 注册年份: 2001
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 服务商
经营范围: 展会主办方
商务服务网 / 展览服务